About Us/Sobre nosotr@s:
Mary and Steve are Cleveland-based artists, doing drawing and painting, and photography, respectively. Our work is rooted in our relationships with the communities where we work. This project grows out of our long engagement, as artists and as activists, with the issues we examine.
Steve has been working and taking photographs in Colombia’s El Chocó since 2003. His article on gold mining in El Chocó—accompanied by photographs and drawings from our work in 2013—was published by ReVista, the journal of The David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, in January, 2014. (Steve's résumé)
Mary’s art explores relationships between people and their environment, including in Latin American rain forests.
To contact Mary, please send an email to/ para contactar a Mary, favor de mandar email A: marypkelsey@sbcglobal.net
Mary's web site/Pagina de Mary: www.maryKelsey.com
To contact Steve, please send an email to/ Para contactar a Steve, Favor de Mandar email a: Steve@stevecagan.com
Steve's Web Site/pagina de Steve: www.stevecagan.com